General Eye Care
Routine eye exams are important for your eye health. We proudly offer routine eye exams including glasses and contact lens prescriptions, macular degeneration screenings, diabetes checks, and glaucoma screenings. These exams are helpful to screen for eye disease and are a convenient way to update your prescription.
Patients wearing contact lenses should have a routine eye exam at least annually.
Adults with no vision complaints who are over the age of 40 should have a dilated eye screening exam and then be followed every 2-4 years. Asymptomatic adults age 55-64 should be seen every 1-3 years, and asymptomatic adults age 65 and up should be seen every 1-2 years.
Patients with diabetes, an eye condition, risk factors for eye disease, or a family history of eye disease need more frequent exams, even if no symptoms are present.